Tuesday, October 29, 2024

New Companion in San Lorenzo

Lia got a new companion, Hermana Arce, in San Lorenzo. She was really excited about this new companion and it was a very welcome change! Also with this new companionship came some help as a sister training leader (STL). Sister training leaders are the equivalent of zone leaders for the sisters. Lia was doing it alone with her previous companions, but Hermana Arce was also a STL so they could work together and help each other. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Lake Tahoe

At the beginning of August, we went to Lake Tahoe for our summer vacation. We had a great time! We mountain biked (the ride your bike down and ride the lift back up kind of mountain biking), hung out at the resort, went wake boarding and wake surfing (I was still terrible), and celebrated mine and Megan's birthdays. We missed Lia a lot, but that's why we decided to go there--we've been there before as a family so she wasn't missing anything new. I was grateful Laura was a good sport about going mountain biking even when she doesn't love it and I was grateful to everyone for being patient with me on the boat (I'm more of a sit on the boat kind of a gal). The resort was really pretty and the restaurant where we had our birthday dinner was awesome. It was a great trip!


Lia's Last Weeks with Hermana Morinigo

I didn't fully realize how hard this companionship was for Lia until she got home. She was so patient with Hermana Morinigo and learned to love her and thankfully they remained friends. And when Hermana Morinigo finished her mission after Lia got home, Lia was so proud of her! She had told Lia that she never finished anything in her life, so completing her mission was a big deal and Lia was grateful she had a little part in it.