Tuesday, January 7, 2025

More From December

Later in December, we went shopping, we had my Mom's "Christmas Eve" party, Josh spent a lot of time making a gift for his coworker and also for his friend in the special needs class at school he helped with (he burned a DVD of the boy's favorite show that his mom couldn't find on TV or the internet anymore and she was so grateful Josh found it), and I went to the holiday party with the English class I volunteer in. 


Right after Thanksgiving, we found our Christmas trees and decorated for Christmas, Josh has his Christmas guitar concert, my Dad came over to deliver our Christmas presents, we went to a Jazz game, Megan had a little incident at school where her pants ripped (thankfully she was able to laugh about it and said it was "such a junior high thing" to have happen), Nate and I went to his work party, we had my favorite phone call of the mission with Lia where all the kids joined and talked and laughed together, we had a family party with the Nelsons, and Nate and I went to the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert.